On January 28, 2021, the Nebraska Supreme Court released extensive proposed changes to its rules for appellate and trial courts. In keeping with Sodoro Law Group’s commitment to excellence, we are staying ahead of the curve by actively analyzing these proposed rules so that we can monitor their adoption and swiftly put them into practice. We are also assessing these proposed rules to ensure that we have no concerns with them prior to the comment period ending February 16, 2021.

The proposed rules can be found on the Nebraska Supreme Court’s website.

The most significant change is the requirement for mandatory electronic filing at the trial and appellate court levels in most instances. The Supreme Court has also proposed significant changes to the format and style of briefs and pleadings, again at both the trial and appellate court levels. In addition, for appeals to the Nebraska Court of Appeals and the Nebraska Supreme Court, the proposed rules allow for an electronic Bill of Exceptions. Currently, the Bill of Exceptions is contained in bound volumes of trial court testimony and exhibits, which must be physically checked out from the Clerk of the Supreme Court in Lincoln. This change will allow greater efficiency in protecting our clients’ interests at the appellate level.

Once adopted, Sodoro Law Group will leverage the updated rules to provide quality service to clients. If you have any questions regarding the proposed rules, please reach out to John McWilliams, jmcwilliams@sodorolaw.com, or any of the other attorneys at Sodoro Law Group.